Favorite R Packages

November 26, 2019 - 2 minutes
tidyverse r


  • rvest - A set of useful tools for working with http connections
  • rio - simplify importing and exporting data across source formats
  • readxl - importing Excel files including individual worksheets
  • datapasta - copy/paste data using clipboard


  • skimr - displays summary statistics the user can skim quickly to understand their data
  • DataExplorer - automated scanning and visualizing of each data set field


  • dplyr - transform and summarize data frames
  • stringr - manipulate regular expressions and character strings
  • lubridate - simplify working with dates and times
  • glue - concatentate strings and/or data
  • magrittr - set of operators to make code more readable such as the pipe
  • janitor - simple functions for cleaning dirty data
  • tidyr - change the layout of data sets
  • tidytext - simplify text mining


  • tidymodels - set of assorted tidyverse-friendly modeling packages
  • broom - converts statistical model output to tidy data
  • ggdenro - parses dendogram data into data frames


  • ggplot2 - R’s famous package for beautiful graphics usibg the grammar of graphics
  • ggmap - access Google API to download Google maps and geolocations
  • ggraph - ggplot2 extensions for network diagrams and trees
  • ggridges - density plots
  • geofacet - visualize data for geographical regions via faceting with arrangement of panels mimicing original geographic topology
  • patchwork - combine charts
  • scales - maps data to aesthetics, automatically determines breaks and labels for axes and legends.
  • viridis - beautiful, visible and color blind friendly color palette
  • ggdark - uncluttered chart theme


  • purrr - automate code iterations